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muscles atrophy中文是什么意思

用"muscles atrophy"造句"muscles atrophy"怎么读"muscles atrophy" in a sentence


  • 肌萎缩


  • Muscles atrophy of right hand more than one year
  • Advanced study of disuse muscle atrophy
  • Ctth patients demonstrate muscle atrophy of the rectus capitis posterior muscles
  • Effect of quot; fufang taizishen keli quot; on denervated muscle atrophy of rat
  • Protective effect of radix astragali on soleus muscle atrophy in hind limb immobilized rats
  • Whether this selective muscle atrophy is a primary or secondary phenomenon remains unclear
  • Taking steroid for a long time can cause central obesity , muscle atrophy and osteoporosis
  • In any case , muscle atrophy could possibly account for a reduction of proprioceptive output from these muscles , and thus contribute to the perpetuation of pain
  • Unilateral more incidence of lower limb , foot and leg initial cold , afraid of the cold , numb , intermittent claudication , pain , muscle atrophy began to emerge , gan mao peeling and serious ulcers can occur or gangrene
  • Elevation of intracellular calcium ions may be partly induced by increased influx through sarcolemma l type - calcium channels . intracellular calcium elevation , on one hand , would activate calpain , a calcium - dependent cysteine protease that degrade the myofibrillar proteins and cause muscle atrophy ; on the other hand , result in activation of calcineurin which enhance the activity of mhc i promoter and inhibit a shift of mhc isoforms from slow to fast in soleus
    这样,可能使得萎缩比目鱼肌细胞内钙离子水平升高,细胞内钙离子静息浓度的增加一方面激活calpain ,增加收缩蛋白的降解,使肌肉萎缩;草四军医大月卜祠成士学位论文另一方面通过激活钙调神经磷酸酶,增加快型mhc基因的表达,使骨骼肌肌球蛋白重链( mhc )发生由慢型向快型的转化。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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